About the Author

Addressing the Gods


Sherrie Seibert Goff

I worked for several years  as a data contol analyst and technical writer for a large corporation in Los Angeles, but have had a long abiding love for ancient history, especially anything Roman.  I now write mainstream historical fiction and live in idaho with my husband and two cats.

Two of my most beloved authors and early inspirations were Mary Renault and Norah Lofts.  Many others have joined the fold of favorites since then, from Robert Graves to Jack Whyte, Edward Rutherford, Caleb Carr and Ken Follett, to name just a few.  For relaxation and enjoyment, I nearly always have some delectable historical novel at chairside or bedside.

My interests certainly extend to other genres, but character-driven mainstream historicals  are my favorites.  My large personal library and the wonderful stories to be found in history have moved me to try writing fiction myself, and my first project has been an ambitious set of books subtitled Seven Kings of Rome Novels.

If you share some of my interests, please check out my BODY OF WORK or visit some of my  favorite LINKS in the menu above.

If you would like to visit my FORUM or sign my GUEST BOOK,  go to my official author’s website at the link below:


Website …. www.sherriegoff.com

Email …. contact@sherriegoff.com